Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fan Fiction (the admission of shame)

Normally I hate fan fiction. I hate Star Wars fan fiction even worse. However, a friend on mine was working on a novel that she sent me and said she wanted my help on. When I found out it was Star Wars fan fiction, I was more than a little hesitant, especially when considering the writing style. However, her begging and pleading, and my needing a hobby atm to take my mind off of school and my non-relaxing extra curriculars lead me to decide to do it. So it is with great shame that I admit that I a Star Wars fan fic.

In my defense, it's not a stupid slash fic or anything like that. My friend (who demanded that I not tell people her name so her girlfriend doesn't tease her) at least had some originality. She decided that it would be interesting to speculate as to what might have happened if, in Episode III, Palpatine had died. Due to my extensive knowledge of the expanded universe (I was quite the Star Wars dork when I was younger) she asked me to add the EU stuff in that she didn't know about and then complete the book. She was about 1/3 of the way through and wants to see it written but she hit a block in the writing process so now it's in my hands. I'm going to leave the material she's written basically untouched (though I might rewrite certain elements of it) and then I'm going to finish the book off. When it's down, we're going to post it on a blog of it's own, chapter by chapter, and see what people think.

*hangs head in shame*


  1. Congratulations, you have now hit the ultimate bottom of nerd-dom, occupied almost entirely by horny 13 year-old girls, slash-fans, and furries. The only way you can rise to the top is if you write as well as this guy. :P I'm kidding, mostly. I'd like to read it when you guys are done, seeing as I used to be a gigantic nerd about fanfiction, myself.

  2. ...I hang my head in shame :P
    Actually, I'm having fun with it, I have often felt that there are levels of fan fiction, and I used to enjoy reading the higher levels of it, so I'm kind of enjoying reaching into my inner dorkness.

  3. Dude, if you can do that without devolving into unintentional self-parody, awful perversity, or selfish author-insertion, I'd say you're on your way to higher levels of fanfiction by default. I've always wanted to write fanfiction where characters were expanded on and developed more fully than they were in the movie/book/comic--I've just never felt comfortabe with my creative writing skills to do it.

  4. It's not hard to make a character from the New star wars trilogy develop further... :P

  5. I've actually never been the creative writer. I'm much more inclined towards academic writing such as essays and papers. This summer though, I want to try some creative writing, probably a screenplay or a novel of sorts or maybe even, though I doubt it, some fan fiction like you're doing.

  6. i haven't read any really good fan fiction yet. hope this one is good.

  7. hurrah. Welcome to the world I've just left. Fanfiction. Mostly crap. But there are a few gems out there. I'll be keeping an eye on this - hopefully, you're still writing it?
